Your comfort level will definitely be going through some changes this year and you may even feel an urgency to move into a permanent home base. 你的满足程度今年明显发生了变化,甚至你急切地想回到永久的家庭环境中。
Buying means that you have a permanent base and a tangible asset but you could have to borrow heavily to fund it. 购买意味着你会有一个永久的基地和切实的资产,但是为了这项投资,你可能要投入很多钱。
The whole island will also serve as a permanent station and rear-supply base for ASA troops. 崇明全岛同时是亚安军各部队的永久驻地和后勤基地。
The North Dakota Museum of Art installed the'Ghosts pounding the Wall'in the summer of1993 on a permanent base. 北达科他美术馆于1993年夏永久安置了《鬼打墙》这幅作品。
The cap was made of permanent soft-liner in the denture base. 固位帽由永久软衬直接衬于义齿组织面构成。
Prof: Um, permanent base may be a way off, but we should not wait for that. 教授:嗯,对于永久性的基地来说并不昂贵,但是我们不能继续等待了。
Position permanent guide base ( PGB) below rotary table. 在转盘下安放永久导向基板。
The company has moved about halfway to that level in response to the economic slowdown, but the latest plan envisions a bigger, more permanent shift away from its home base. 为应对经济放缓,该公司已向这一目标前进了一半,但最新计划预示着,该公司将会加大步伐且更永久性地将生产基地从国内转移到海外。
United States already has a permanent military presence in the region around Libya, including a large air and naval base on nearby Sicily, less than an hour's flight from Tripoli. 美国已经在利比亚周边地区永久性驻兵,包括西西里岛附近的大型空军和海军基地,距离的黎波里不超过一个小时的飞行路程。
Permanent base is may be a waste, but we should not after the way of that. 永久性基地可能不是一种方法,但是我们可以不必等到那样。
Ordinary residence-you have made your permanent home base here for the last three years and have had valid immigration permits for all of that time. 普通居留&你在最近的三年在那里拥有永久性的房屋,并且在这段时间拥有合法移民许可。
Reality-in the form of government budget cuts-triumphed over the plans for a permanent moon base. 残酷的现实(其表现形式是政府削减预算)让建设永久月球基地的计划胎死腹中。
Professor: Permanent base, maybe a way's off, but we shouldn't have to wait for that. 答:基础设施可能会花很多钱,但是我们不应该等。
After being asked to leave Clark air force base and Subic Bay naval facility in 1991, the US is not about to re-establish a permanent base in the Philippines. 在1999年被要求离开克拉卡空军基地和苏比克湾海军设施之后,美国不打算再在菲律宾建一个永久性基地。
The Alliance to Rescue Civilization plans to build a permanent moon base to preserve DNA samples of all life on the earth and an encyclopedia of human knowledge. 拯救文明联盟拟建一个永久的月球基地,以保存地球上所有生命物质的基因样本和人类知识的百科全书。
Above all, poor countries need to stop being permanent aid supplicants and become normal market economies: still poor, but able to engage with global markets, grow and diversify their economic base – and make intelligent decisions about their external finance. 首先,贫困国家需要摆脱长期以来乞求援助的形象,而成为正常的市场经济体:仍然贫困,但能够参与全球市场,使其经济基础得到发展和多样化&并在外部融资问题上做出明智的决策。
As permanent members of the UN Security council, both Britain and China base our foreign policy on the maintenance of a strong and effective international system. 作为联合国安全理事会常务成员国,英中两国的外交政策以保持强有效国际机制为基础。
Controlled Ecological Life-support System ( CELSS) is one of the key technologies that must be solved before founding permanent base in space such as Lunar or Mars base. 受控生态生命保障系统(CELSS)是建立月球/火星基地等空间永久基地必须解决的关键技术之一。
Qualified Programming of Permanent Utilization of Surface Water Resources in Northern Shaanxi Energy Resources Base 陕北能源基地地表水资源持续利用的优化规划研究
The starting point of the recoil line of permanent magnet is the base and the premise for the various calculations of the polarized magnetic system. 极化磁系统永磁回复线的起始点是用各种方法对其进行计算的前提和基础。
Here, we study the propagation of ultrashort laser pulse in PNA molecule medium, especially the effects of permanent dipoles. Firstly, its geometry in gas phase is optimized on the base of density functional theory with a 6-31++ G basis set. 本文以PNA分子作为对象,研究了超短脉冲激光在该分子材料中的传播过程,并着重讨论了分子固有偶极矩对该动力学过程的影响。
To acquire seamless fast handoffs in such an environment, we propose a fast handoff management scheme which uses permanent virtual connections ( PVC) as backup between neighboring base stations. We calculate the handoff blocking probability for the given PVC bandwidth. 为了在这种环境下实现无缝隙、快速切换,提出了在相邻基站间备用永久虚连接(PVC)的一种快速切换管理方案,并计算了给定PVC带宽时的切换阻塞概率。
Starting with analysing the constant competition advantage, the concept of the permanent cost management is put forward on the base of the strategic cost management. 本文从分析持续性竞争优势入手,在战略成本管理的理论基础上,提出持久性成本管理的概念。
The Asphalt Treatment Base have the ordinary bituminous mixture general characteristic, also has own some characteristics, when carries on the permanent bituminous pavement structural design, the Asphalt Treatment Base should have the anti-permanent deformation, the anti-brea bed bottom weary and the water stability request. 沥青稳定碎石具有普通沥青混合料的一般特性,又具有自身的一些特点,在进行永久性沥青路面结构设计时,沥青稳定碎石基层应具有抗永久变形、抗沥青层底疲劳及水稳定性要求。
Secondly, by coupling of the electrical and mechanical differential equations which describe the dynamic behavior of permanent magnet actuator, the dynamic attraction force acted on the moving core is obtained on the base of above static simulation. 其次,耦合电压平衡和达朗贝尔机械运动特征微分方程,在上述静态仿真的基础上进行了动铁心动态吸力的仿真。
It is ascertained that single-axle static creep test is available to test permanent deformation of asphalt-treated base. 首先确定研究沥青稳定基层的永久变形采用单轴静态压缩蠕变试验较为合适。
Through experiment of radial permanent magnet motors, the method has been proved feasible, and it will supply a reliable base for permanent magnet motor designing. 通过对径向式永磁电机的试验验证,证明了该方法可行,同时也将为永磁电机的设计提供一个更加可靠的依据。